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Wednesday 15 November 2017

What Is Art And 100 Other Very Important Questions by Ernst Billgren

What Is Art And 100 Other Very Important Questions by Ernst Billgren
The most common approach to writing about art is to describe what you think about it. Opinions are like feelers that we plunge into the boiling broth of culture where we find our bearings. Is this really the best approach? The world of art lacks a Linnaeus, someone who at some point catalogued and sorted everything out. Facts, not opinions. If Linnaeus had written down what he personally thought of all the plants instead (bluebell = beautiful, cactus = ugly), botany would not have become the science it is today. In this book, I stay clear of opinions and attempt to remain true to the facts – facts which you should not take at face value, but rather verify with simple experiments. If I should still be in error in any of my answers, I gratefully look forward to receiving the correct one as soon as possible. Send it to: I promise to give you a reward. The reader may discover that some of my answers appear contradictory. Does that imply that one of them is wrong? Not necessarily, since paradoxes are something you have to put into the equation, especially if you work with art or physics. For instance, it has been shown that elementary particles display unusual and paradoxical traits: they can be in several places at once – which is something many artists have to resort to as well.
2010 by Langenskiöld (first published September 1st 2008)
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