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Monday, 23 October 2017

How Animals Think and Feel: An Introduction to Non-Human Psychology by Ken Cheng

How Animals Think and Feel: An Introduction to Non-Human Psychology by Ken Cheng
Why do dogs get separation anxiety? Can a chimpanzee recognize itself in a mirror? Do animals in a zoo get neurotic? Do animals actually have emotions, or are humans simply anthropomorphizing them? How Animals Think and Feel: An Introduction to Non-Human Psychology answers these interesting questions and many more in its examination of animal psychology--particularly non-human primates (our closest relatives) and companion animals (the animals with which we spend the most time). Readers will learn about the history of the study of animals as well as the methodologies and applications of animal research, examples of higher-level thought and problem solving in animals, learning and memory, emotion, and basic behaviors such as feeding and mating. Chapters examine specific animal species or groups in greater depth to address particular behaviors and discuss characteristic traits. The book also includes sidebars that offer additional high-interest, ready-reference content; a bibliography of print and electronic sources for further study; and a glossary of unfamiliar terms
294 hardcover
October 3rd 2016 by Greenwood
2.5 MB

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