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Friday, 26 January 2018

The Beginning Runner's Handbook: The Proven 13-Week Walk/Run Program by Ian MacNeill

The Beginning Runner's Handbook: The Proven 13-Week Walk/Run Program by Ian MacNeill
Newly revised and expanded, this best-seller safely guides beginning runners from shoe selection to their first 10K. More than 20 million North Americans run recreationally — an astonishing figure that shows just how popular running is as a method of improving fitness. Into this growing market comes a revised Beginning Runner's Handbook. Whereas most running books are directed at the more advanced runner, this tightly written, absolutely basic guide offers a proven program perfectly suited to the beginning runner seeking long-term fitness. New to this edition is an expanded training chapter including all-new material on running faster and farther; maintaining fitness while vacationing; building toward half and full marathons; running with the family, including running during pregnancy and after the baby arrives; coming back from injuries; and the latest on nutrition and running.
February 2nd 2005 by Greystone Books (first published April 1999)
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