Satisfying Your Mind Hunger

Saturday 17 November 2018

Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson

Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson
From the date of first printing to the present, I have received more mail about Cosmic Trigger than about anything else I ever wrote, and most of the mail has been unusually intelligent and open-minded. For some reason, many readers of this book think they can write me intimately and without fear, about subject officially Taboo in our society....The new edition presents an opportunity to answer the most frequent questions and to correct the most persistent misunderstandings. It should be obvious to all intelligent readers (but curiously is not obvious to many) that my viewpoint in this book of one of agnosticism. The word "agnostic" appears explicitly in the Prologue and the agnostic attitude is restated again and again in the text, but many people still think I "believe" some of the metaphors and models employed here. I therefore want to make it even clearer than ever before that I DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING .... Cosmic Trigger deals with a process of deliberately induced brain change through which I put myself in the years 1962-76. This process is called "initiation" or "vision quest" in many traditional societies and can loosely be considered some dangerous variety of self-psychotherapy in modern terminology. I do not recommend it for everybody, and I think I obtained more good results than bad ones chiefly because I had been through two varieties of ordinary psychotherapy before I started my own adventures and because I had a good background in scientific philosophy and was not inclined to "believe" any astounding Revelations too literally. Briefly, the main thing I learned in my experiments is that "reality" is always plural and mutable.
1989 by Falcon Press (first published 1977)
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